If you are looking for the treatment for a specific ailments , you have to send us your case history & reports in advance. Our team will diiscuss with our ayurvedic doctors and suggest the treatment plan accordingly. we have certain fixed package on our website for some specific ailments but in case you are unable to find them, Please contact our team and they will provide you the right information, In case doctor consultation is required to analysi the case, will arrange a tele consultation with the panel of doctors. However, if there is no specific treatment package for your clinical symptoms, as a general rule, the Body Purification program is the correct choice, which is done through Ayurvedic Panchakarma, as most of the problems are due to accummulation of toxins in the body and imbalance of the Dosha’s. This Program detoxifies the toxins from the body and balance the dosha’s to give you healthy body, mind & soul. For more information please call us at <a href=”tel:919555156156″>+91-9555156156</a>