Grasp the golden opportunity to know about your Ayurvedic body type and how Ayurvedic treatments can be extremely helpful in providing you relief from any specific afflictions that you may be suffering from. A free Ayurvedic consultation based on your health conditions and our doctor’s expertise will be provided after you have filled in the form. Our Doctors are highly knowledgeable and the senior most alone has an experience of 45 years. Don’t miss this chance to do a free Ayurvedic consultation.

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Email *

    Nationality *


    Country *

    State *

    City *

    Phone no. *

    Age *

    Gender *

    Marital Status

    Blood Pressure



    Are you vegetarian*

    Dependence on

    Present Health Problems*

    Any Past History

    Any previous investigations report*

    Attach Report

    Other information which you think might be helpful


    Planning for Pregnancy in next 6 months

    Main Problem*

    Duration of the Problem*

    Any other associated minor problems

    Taking any medication at present*

    Functional history*