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Yoga is a union of your consciousness with the ultimate consciousness. It is a science that balances chakras and body constitution so as to prepare an individual for the ultimate union. Yoga takes care of us internally while continuous efforts are being made to restore and retain the external zeal by bringing us closer to the truth-ALMIGHTY. It has the power to open a world of opportunities as Yoga takes you beyond materialistic pleasures.
It is a science that encourages us to follow a comprehensive approach to health and understands an individual as a complex combination of elements capable of being brought into harmony.
Kairali- The Ayurvedic Healing Village, in Palakkad, Kerala is a place that is committed to enhance positivity and wellbeing in individuals, the environment and the global community. Adhering to the ancient principles and treaties, it beautifully combines and explores the multifaceted modalities of Ayurveda and Yoga to unveil the completeness.
In their endeavour to achieve ultimate wellness, the Hospital cum resort organize workshops and run intensive courses on yoga, to familiarize seekers with the nitty gritties of the ancient art and lay the foundation before moving ahead with the advanced concepts.
The seekers at the healing village are engaged with Yoga and Ayurveda, which are two sides of the same coin. They are acquainted with how these branches of the same tree of Vedic knowledge hems in the entire human life and the universe. They are coupled to be defined as the healing disciplines of our ancient tradition, culture, science and art. Their merger tantamount to a flawless system of health for body, mind, and soul, medically and spiritually. These workshops offer great insight into how yogic principles and ayurvedic modalities are a fine way to understand these methods.